The Sagrada Familia Passion Facade
In stark contrast to the fanciful elements and uplifting message of the Nativity facade, Gaudi wanted the Passion facade to convey Jesus' suffering (The Passion) and the bleakness of his death. He wanted the facade to be cold and without ornamentation. The facade was completed by the sculpturer Josep Maria Subirachs in 1990 from Gaudi's drawings and notes.
Notice that Subirach's style is angular and rigid. The opposite of Gaudi who did not believe in using straight lines. The stark lines evoke a sober feeling for the end of Jesus' life from the Last Supper to the Crucifixion.
Passion Facade Fast Facts and Highlights
Jesus's story is told in the shape of a "Z" from the bottom to the top. The Last Supper is on the bottom and the Crucifixion is on the top.
Find the Apostles
Find the Alpha and Omega Character - Over the door. Symbolizes the end and the beginning.
Find the Crucifixion - Near the top.
Find Jesus Being Whipped. The face is Gaudi's.
Find the Horse. Above poor people picking through Jesus clothes. The rider is Longinus, the man who stabbed his lance into Jesus' side and later converted to Christianity.
Find the Skull. The skull at Jesus feet represents death.
Find the Judgement of Jesus - Jesus is beaten and presented to the people wearing a crown of thorns.
Find the Trial of Jesus - Pontious Pilate washes his hands, signifying that he will not overturn the verdict to put Jesus to death.
Find the Number 33 - To the left of the Kiss of Judas. 33 is the age that Jesus was when he died. All rows and columns of the magic square add up to 33.
Find the Centurions - The soldier's helmets are a call-out to the chimneys on Gaudi's Casa Mila.
Find "Jesus" in the Doors - The gospel doors contain text from the New Testament depicting the Passion of Christ. 8,000 bronze characters were used to cast the door.
Building the Glory Facade - Work has started on the Glory Facade. The Glory Facade will show Jesus in heaven with God, judging mankind's achievements.